Sugar and spice and everything nice. Who can't use a little of that from time to time?! Sugar magic is one of my absolutely favorite kinds of magic and ritual to work with because you can almost never do any wrong with it. It's simple, it's effective, and when done with the right intention it helps everyone involved and them some. When we sweeten someone up to us chances are we're creating a ripple effect in their lives and they start turning sweeter to everyone they know. Win-Win!Sugar magic is also known as sweetening magic and the concept is simple - using sugary ingredients to help sweeten up people and energies to be more in your favor. We can sweeten bosses, landlords, neighbors, co-workers, disgruntled friends and loved ones...even judges and juries...even money!At some point we could all use a little work to sweeten up someone or something in our lives and these simple rituals are almost as old as magic itself. The history of rituals that use sweet objects from apples to honey are vast.These rituals can be involved and use a boatload of ingredients or they can be simple and us just a few items easily found at home. Since these rituals originate for a form of magic that often involved "hiding in plain sight" many of these use every day, unassuming objects that nobody would ever second guess. Another Win-Win for babes on the go looking to work their magic where life takes them!One thing I will say about sweetening magic is it does take commitment. It can be a slow process but it does work and it does pay off in the end. Just be patient and be open to however things shift and change in a positive direction.Here are 4 super simple sugary sweet mini-rituals that you can use when you need to sweeten someone up in a hurry.[wc_divider style="solid" line="double" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""]
Sweeten a Friend
This spell works wonders on best friends and even Mom's and their brooding teens. To do this you'll need two popsicle sticks, a marker, some string, a jar that the sticks will fit in and some plan white sugar. If it's at all possible, acquire the popsicle sticks by sharing a twin pop with the person you need to sweeten. If not, use popsicle sticks that you can buy from a craft store.Write your name on one stick and the other person's name on the other. Put the sticks together so the names are facing one another. Wrap the string around the sticks and tie them together tight. Place the sticks in the jar and cover with sugar but leave a little room to shake the contents. Put the lid on the jar and start to rhythmically shake it saying:"Sweet thoughts above you, Sweet thoughts below you, Sweet thought of me all around you."Say this while shaking the jar at least 9 times each day until you and your friend mend your fences.
Sweeten Co-Workers
This ritual involves enchanting the sugar packets in the break room at work. The best way to do this is to be able to be the first person out at the end of the day and the first person in the next morning so you can sneak the packets out and back in. If you can't do this buy sugar packets at the grocery store and bring them into work and add them to the top of the existing pile of packets so they're the first ones used. You'll need the sugar packets, a white candle and a little honey for this.Rub some of the honey onto the candle and place the candle in a holder. Arrange the sugar packets all around the base of the candle so that when lit each packet will get a little glimmer of light from the candle. Light the candle and take a moment to envision the people who have been less that great to you becoming more helpful, kinder and better to work with. As the candle burns say:"We may not have to love each other But we do have to work together. As this sugar is stirred in your coffee or tea Let your demeanor be stirred to be sweeter to me."Let the candle burn all the way down and then gather up the packets and take them back to the break room at work.
Sweeten a Potential Boss
So let's say your co-workers didn't get any better to deal with and you decide it's time to ship out and get a new job. This ritual works great when you're going to be out of town on an interview and you can't bring a lot of tools with you, but it works great at home too for a quick ritual {ideal for letting work while you're getting ready for your interview}. For this you'll need some string or thread, a green lifesaver, a green or white little birthday cake candle and the business card of who you'll be meeting or the logo of the company you're interviewing with.Put the candle in the lifesaver, using it as a candle holder. Place this on top of the business card or logo. Light it, visualizing yourself really rockin' the hell out of the interview and everyone you meet loving you and say:"Glowing bright, a shining star, It's easy to see I can take you far. Sweet to me and drawn to my light you'll quickly see I'm the choice that's right."Let the candle burn all the way down. Fold up the lifesaver and any left over wax in the business card securely and tie up with the string. Carry it in your pocket or purse on your interview. Hang on to it somewhere safe until you hear about the job.
Sweeten a Blind Date
Let's face it - you're way busy. You're a babe with a vision and plan for the world and dating has gotten a little tough. A friend has decided to set you up with someone from her work and he or she sounds awesome. You want to make a great first impression because you're hoping you'll at least get a second date. Hey, you're stoked at the idea of dating again! You can do a little sugar scrub in the shower to help things go well and make the chances of getting that second date a little better.For this you'll need brown sugar, jojoba, sweet almond or baby oil {whichever is easier to should be able to get all three at Whole Foods} and a small jar to mix and store in {a Ball canning jar is ideal because it's got an airtight seal on the lid}. You can also add a drop or two of clove essential oil if you have it but it's not crucial - this turns up the heat on things and can ramp up the flirtatious tone of the date {depending on how you like to run your first dates you might want to wait and add this on your second date}.Put 1 cup of sugar in the jar and slowly add your oil a little at a time, stirring with a spoon. You want the mix to be damp, not wet - it should still be gritty. Add your clove oil if you wish and stir {for the love of all things holy do NOT use cinnamon oil - it burns the skin and you don't want that in the shower}. Seal up the jar and give it a good shake. Be sure to shake it up before you use it each time.In the shower go through your regular shower routine first. Then take out a scoop of the sugar scrub and rub it all over your body, but be sure to scrub skin that will be exposed by whatever you're planning to wear particularly well. Visualize the date going great, seeing him or her really enjoying their time with you and showing an interest in you. As you do this say:"Sugar is sweet, and you're sweet to me. One date, two dates, maybe three."Say this over and over as you scrub. Rinse the sugar off well and pat yourself dry gently when you get out allowing yourself to air dry a little bit. Get ready as usual and have a wonderful time![wc_divider style="solid" line="double" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""]Whether it's a job promotion, a loan for a house or car, easing a divorce or the end of a relationship almost anything can be made better for you with some sweet sugary folk magic!
Want to dive deeper with honey and sugar magick?
Check out my ebook Slow Like Honey!
Slow Like Honey is the based on a class on honey jars and sweetening magick that I teach. You'll get all the material used in these classes along with instructions on how to work different kinds of sweetening magick.
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